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Excavation Information

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Digsite Mapping

Excavation Details

Example: Locate from SE corner of house to detached garage.

Example: Locate 10 feet out around the entire house.

Example: Locate entire rear and east side yards.

Example: Locate 15 ft radius around white paint mark on SE corner of intersection.

Please review the summary of your entries below and select "Yes" or "No" at the bottom to proceed.


Is This Information Correct?

Please read the information below, and click on the "Continue" button to complete this request.


This request will be sent to JULIE for further processing. Submitting this information does not constitute a valid locate request until you have received a confirmation notice via the e-mail address that you provided. This confirmation will include a reference number, commonly known as a dig number, for future reference. It will also contain additional information added by JULIE while completing your request along with a list of the utility companies who will be notified regarding your pending excavation. Users are highly advised to watch for confirmations and to review all information for accuracy and completeness.

If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail message from JULIE by the start of the next business day or if any information in the confirmation e-mail is inaccurate or incomplete, please call JULIE at 811.

If for any reason you do not wish to continue with this automated request, you may exit by clicking on the "Abort Request" button and call 811 or 800-892-0123 to process your locate request.



Utility companies should have their underground lines marked sometime between the receipt of your confirmation and the digstart date and time included in your confirmation information. You may not begin your excavation before this time, even if all of the utilities have been located and marked.

State law requires your digging project to begin within 14 days of the issuance of your reference number (i.e. JULIE Dig Number). If at any time during the excavation the markings are no longer visible, you are required to call JULIE and request that the markings be refreshed.

Utility companies do not mark non-utility owned or privately installed lines such as water and sewer lines from the street to the house or electric and telephone lines from the house to a garage or shed. An underground facility may actually be positioned within 18 inches on either side of the marked area. You are required the use extreme care, which may include digging by hand, when within 18 inches on either side of the utility markings.